At IHEI, we draw inspiration from the Heartberry plant, renowned for its life-sustaining qualities and lessons of reciprocity.

The Heartberry (Strawberry) plant teaches us to accept gifts with humility, reverence, and respect, reminding us of our inherent resilience and strength.

The Heartberry symbolizes our connection to the past, present, and future.

The Heartberry prospers in nurturing conditions—rich soil and ample sunlight—mirroring how our work thrives when we dismantle oppressive systems and cultivate environments enriched by supportive, loving relationships. With seeds displayed proudly on its exterior, the Heartberry embodies vulnerability and transparency, encouraging us to boldly prioritize Indigenous values, practices, knowledge, and community in all aspects of our endeavors.

As the Heartberry extends its tendrils across the land, it finds new places to root and flourish, symbolizing the growth and expansion of our work. This growth underscores the necessity of building a vast, interconnected community that transcends individual efforts and spans collaborations, institutions, and generations. Just as strawberries serve as our medicine, our work at IHEI is a healing force, fostering justice and liberation through deep, sustained relationships and shared commitments.

“Gifts from the earth or from each other establish a particular relationship, an obligation of sorts to give, to receive, and to reciprocate.”

— Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer