The Center of Indigenous Wisdom & Science

Here we cultivate decolonizing methodologies in research, evaluation, data, and related tools.

The Center of Indigenous Wisdom & Science is dedicated to elevating Indigenous methodologies and insights, while advancing Indigenous scholarship and theoretical frameworks that contribute to a holistic and inclusive approach to public health, rooted in the wisdom of our forebears.

Photo by Jarrette Werk, Aaniiih & Nakoda

Integrating ancestral knowledge within our programming and advocacy.

Our approach is one of collaboration, innovation, and respect for the deep-rooted science and wisdom that Indigenous communities hold.

Our Vision for Growth: Best Practices for Indigenous Resurgence

We believe in the power of grounded normativities that validate our inherent self- and community worth.

We plan to develop training models for health-land justice that support Indigenous Resurgence and decolonial research pathways to authorship, and invites creative dreaming for collective possibilities, where all Indigenous people know themselves as liberated, worthy, and loved.